How to Fill Out Answer of Continuing Garnishment

Garnishment – Wage garnishment is really a legal procedure where a person's salary is needed by order from the court to become withheld by a company for that payment of the debt for example supporting your children. Title III from the Credit Protection Act (CCPA) prohibits a company from discharging an worker whose earnings have underwent garnishment for just about any one debt, whatever the quantity of levies made or proceedings introduced to gather it.

Title III protects employees from being discharged by their employers as their wages happen to be garnished for just about any one debt and limits the quantity of employees' earnings which may be garnished in almost any 1 week. It doesn't, however, safeguard an worker from discharge when the employee's earnings have underwent garnishment for any second or subsequent financial obligations.

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Court-ordered employee wage garnishment: an employer's guide

Failure to comply with a court-ordered employee garnishment is costly for your company. Here's how to respond to a wage garnishment order.

Noncompliance with a wage garnishment isn't an option, as the penalties and fines will cost your business. It's challenging to keep up with current rules and regulations, especially if you do business in multiple states. Making payroll mistakes is easy, especially if you don't have much time to devote to learning how to set up your payroll process and stay in compliance.

Compliance is better than the alternative – penalties and fines

Review state law, ideally by working with an HR expert or legal counsel experienced in wage garnishment state laws, which can vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. There can be complexities regarding applicable regulations depending on the state from which the court issued the order, where your company is based and the state in which the employee resides. Respond promptly to the court order (if the order requires). The employer must return a statutory response form within the required amount of time (set by the court order). The form is typically sent to the employer with the garnishment order. Respond quickly to avoid the risk of a court-issued penalty. Start withholding the garnishment immediately upon receiving the garnishment notice. The employee might be able to challenge the garnishment. If so, they will have a certain number of days to contest it, depending on the law for that state. In this case, the employee should contact the agency garnishing their wages to work out any arrangements to remove or modify the garnishment.

Employers, Be Sure You Know the Four Steps to Employee Garnishment

is a law firm assisting clients with business transactions and disputes, intellectual property, employment matters, and estate and succession planning.

In Section 2, calculate the amount of income you expect to withhold from the employee. Follow the directions in this section. Double-check any figures provided by the creditor's attorney, if any figures are provided. Clarify any ambiguities in your answers in an attached statement. In Section 3, sign the answer form under penalty of perjury.

  • Receive the Writ
  • First Answer
  • Second Answer
  • Judgment and Order

Garnishment is one tool that creditors may use to collect money. As an employer in Washington state, you may encounter a writ of garnishment to collect on an employee's obligation. Be aware that you may face liability if you fail to process the writ with appropriate care so you should treat it with all the seriousness of a lawsuit. Here are four basic steps to processing a writ of garnishment on an employee's earnings, known as a continuing lien on wages.

What Employers Need to Know About Wage Garnishment

To "garnish" is to take property – most often a portion of someone's wages – by legal authority. "Garnishment" is a proceeding by a creditor (a person or entity to whom money is owed) to collect a debt by taking the property or assets of a debtor (a person who owes money).

If the garnishee receives another garnishment, it must follow the same procedure, but, it should not pay a subsequent creditor until the first garnishment is paid in full. Once the first garnishment is completely paid, the next one will go into effect. Thus, if there are multiple garnishments, then the first one must be satisfied in full before any later garnishments are paid.

Topics on this page

The following processes are based on District Court Rules of Procedure. They apply if you have a judgment in the District Court of Maryland. See Md. Rules Title 3, Chapter 600. The rules for garnishing property in Circuit Court are very similar, however, there may be some differences. See Md. Rules Title 2, Chapter 600. Notably, the Circuit Court does not have forms for judgment creditors to use. Some Circuit Courts may allow you to use District Court forms. Others may require you to draft your own motions and requests. If you have questions about court procedure, talk to a lawyer.

Video advice: What is GARNISHMENT? What does GARNISHMENT mean? GARNISHMENT meaning, definition & explanation

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Video advice: What is Garnishment and How Does it Work


How do I process a payroll garnishment?

Receipt of a wage garnishment order obligates you to:

  1. Notify your employee of the garnishment.
  2. Withhold part of their wages.
  3. Send the garnished money to the creditor.
  4. Provide your employee with information to protest the garnishment.

Does an employer have to notify an employee of a garnishment?

A wage garnishment, or wage attachment, is an order from a court or government agency. ... Your employer is legally required to garnish your wages if they receive a court order to do so, although they are also required to notify you of the garnishment.

How do you respond to a wage garnishment?

Stopping Wage Garnishment Without Bankruptcy

  1. Respond to the Creditor's Demand Letter. ...
  2. Seek State-Specific Remedies. ...
  3. Get Debt Counseling. ...
  4. Object to the Garnishment. ...
  5. Attend the Objection Hearing (and Negotiate if Necessary) ...
  6. Challenge the Underlying Judgment. ...
  7. Continue Negotiating.

What happens if an employer refuses to garnish wages?

In California, an earnings withholding order carries the same force as a court order. If the employer fails to complete the memorandum of garnishee and withdraw the required wages from the debtor's paycheck, the creditor should immediately send a demand letter to the employer.


Complete the "Employee" section and give the form to your employer.

from Insurance Handbook for the Medical Office

Elsevier – Health Sciences Division, 2013

Employee: Complete the "Employee" section and give the form to your employer.

from Fordney's Medical Insurance – E-Book
by Linda Smith
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019

The headings on this form show the employee's full name (spelled correctly), Social Security number, address, and number of exemptions claimed.

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by Doni L. Bird, Debbie S. Robinson
Elsevier Health Sciences, 2020

If you want to file the continuation electronically, go to the PTO's electronic filing website and fill out the forms and a new ADS (application data sheet) on your computer and file the specification, claims, drawings, declaration, and ADS in PDF format as before.

from Patent It Yourself: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Filing at the U.S. Patent Office
by David Pressman, David E. Blau
NOLO, 2020

The court uses disposable earnings (the amount left after legally required deductions like taxes, FICA, mandatory retirement withholding, and unemployment insurance) to calculate your garnishment amount.

from Credit Repair Kit For Dummies
by Melyssa Barrett, Stephen R. Bucci, Rod Griffin
Wiley, 2021


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