Starcraft 2 Does Easy Difficulty Affect Storyline

Wings of Liberty [edit]

Overview [edit]

The Wings of Liberty Campaign follows the exploits of the Terran outlaws Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay. Specifically, the player is assumed to have the role of Raynor from a third-person perspective. The first three missions must be completed in order, after which a series of events occurs that enables the player to begin directing the order in which missions are played.

New units are acquired during each mission, which may then be used in any future missions (except the Prophecy missions, in which the player does not use Terran units). In some cases, the capability to produce a particular type of unit can dramatically alter the challenge of a given mission. Many of the missions force the player to take a defensive position (in contrast to multiplayer), which makes Siege Tanks a particularly beneficial unit to unlock as early as possible.

Each mission can be completed using Casual, Normal, Hard, or Brutal difficulty. New players who have never played any video games in their entire life or are just new to RTS (Real time strategy) type games should probably begin on Normal - the Casual difficulty is very, very casual, to the point that enemies only very rarely attack and usually sit about waiting for the player to come and slaughter them - and their units have only half of their normal HP. In most cases, playing on Hard or Brutal adds more depth to a mission. For example, in the Zero Hour mission on Normal difficulty, the player has to deal with only the assaults of the Zerg, whereas in Hard and Brutal, there are Zerg "drop pods" that crash into the ground delivering Creep Tumors and Zerglings. These drop pods gradually begin to descend closer and closer to the player's base, and since Zerg units move more rapidly on Creep, this can ramp up the challenge quickly.

Most missions reward the player with Credits, as well as the potential to acquire Research points by completing side objectives (see below for more details on both). All missions also feature achievement challenges. In most cases, there is one challenge for completing all of the side objectives, which can be obtained on any difficulty, one challenge that can only be finished on at least Normal difficulty, and one challenge that can only be finished on at least Hard difficulty. Playing every mission on at least Hard difficulty is generally an easy way to enable a savvy player to complete all achievements on a single play of the mission.

Unlockables [edit]

The availability of units, mercenaries, research, and armory upgrades remains the same when missions are replayed through the mission archives. Only those available when each mission was initially played will be present. As an exception, when there are plot branches, all acquired upgrades and units will be available when using the archives to play the missions that were not selected during the storyline.

  • Units
Units in the campaign are unlocked by playing the mission that introduces them, as indicated in the Missions section below. Afterwards, the unit is available to be built in the all following missions, making the order in which the missions are played significant.
  • Research
The Laboratory is where you can get Research upgrades. They consist of different upgrades to various structures and units and also completely new units. Research points can be found in each mission of the campaign by completing bonus objectives. There are 36 Zerg and 39 Protoss research points in the campaign. Additional points gained beyond the research caps of 25 Zerg and 25 Protoss are exchanged for credits, allowing the player to purchase more Armory upgrades or Mercenaries.
  • Armory
The Armory is where you can get upgrades for your units in exchange for credits, which are earned by completing missions. You can start upgrading a particular unit after you finish the mission in which you acquired it. Most available upgrades are the same as those that can be obtained in-game during multiplayer, except that these are in effect at the start of your campaign missions once purchased and do not cost any minerals or gas.
  • Mercenaries
Mercenary contracts can be purchased with a one-time credit cost in the Cantina. A contract for a mercenary type is available after you finish the mission in which the base unit was acquired. Once a contract is purchased, the mercenaries can be hired in missions for minerals and gas. The cost is higher than the basic unit, but the upgraded stats outweigh the higher cost. Mercenaries have a cooldown before they can be hired (or hired additionally, in the case of types that permit more than one squad), but arrive instantly once hired, making them great for quick base defense.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Engineering Bay and Armory. After completing 9 missions, level 2 upgrades are available, and on the 17th mission, 3 upgrades are available.
  • Lost Viking
An arcade minigame accessible from Cantina after 4 missions are completed.

Missions [edit]

The guides for all the missions are written for Brutal difficulty. The strategy for lower difficulty levels is the same, except the enemy won't be as strong, or won't be as smart. However, if you want to elaborate on changes in lower difficulty levels, by all means please edit them in!

For the three choice missions (Colonist 3, Covert 3, and Final 2), you can only play one of the options for storyline purposes. However, you can play the mission you didn't choose through the Mission Log.

Mar Sara [edit]

The Raynor missions are the first three in the game. Credits can not be used until after Zero Hour.

Missions Unlocks Credits Research Prerequisites
Mar Sara 1: Liberation Day Marine - - -
Mar Sara 2: The Outlaws SCV, Medic 45,000 - Liberation Day
Mar Sara 3: Zero Hour Bunker 55,000 - The Outlaws

Colonist [edit]

The Hanson missions can be started after completing the Mar Sara missions.

Missions Unlocks Credits Research Prerequisites
Colonist 1: The Evacuation Firebat 100,000 3 Zerg Zero Hour
Colonist 2: Outbreak Hellion 110,000 2 Zerg The Evacuation
Colonist 3a: Safe Haven Viking 125,000 3 Zerg Outbreak and any 2 missions after it
Colonist 3b: Haven's Fall Viking 125,000 3 Protoss Outbreak and any 2 missions after it

Artifact [edit]

The Tychus missions can be started after completing the Mar Sara missions.

Missions Unlocks Credits Research Prerequisites
Artifact 1: Smash and Grab Marauder 110,000 4 Protoss Zero Hour
Artifact 2: The Dig Siege Tank 120,000 3 Protoss Smash and Grab, 8 total missions
Artifact 3: The Moebius Factor Medivac 120,000 3 Zerg The Dig, 11 total missions
Artifact 4: Supernova Banshee 120,000 4 Protoss The Moebius Factor, 14 total missions
Artifact 5: Maw of the Void Battlecruiser 125,000 4 Protoss Supernova

Covert [edit]

The Tosh missions can be started after completing a total of 4 missions.

Missions Unlocks Credits Research Prerequisites
Covert 1: The Devil's Playground Reaper 110,000 3 Zerg 4 total missions
Covert 2: Welcome to the Jungle Goliath 120,000 3 Protoss The Devil's Playground
Covert 3a: Breakout Spectre 125,000 (+50,000) - Welcome to the Jungle and any 2 missions after it
Covert 3b: Ghost of a Chance Ghost 125,000 (+50,000) - Welcome to the Jungle and any 2 missions after it

Rebellion [edit]

The Horner missions can be started after completing a total of 6 missions.

Missions Unlocks Credits Research Prerequisites
Rebellion 1: The Great Train Robbery Diamondback 110,000 3 Zerg 6 total missions
Rebellion 2: Cutthroat Vulture 120,000 3 Protoss The Great Train Robbery
Rebellion 3: Engine of Destruction Wraith 120,000 3 Zerg Cutthroat
Rebellion 4: Media Blitz Thor 120,000 - Engine of Destruction
Rebellion 5: Piercing the Shroud - 125,000 3 Zerg, 4 Protoss Media Blitz, including secret objective

Prophecy [edit]

The Zeratul missions can be started after completing The Dig.

These missions are played as the Protoss. The player's normally available Terran units, mercenaries, armory upgrades, and research do not matter in these missions, nor can you use any of the Protoss units in the other missions. Even though there are no new Terran units or cash rewards for completing these missions, doing so early is useful for a large boost to research, possibly making subsequent Terran missions slightly easier to complete in Hard/Brutal difficulties.

Missions New Unit(s) Research Prerequisites
Prophecy 1: Whispers of Doom Zeratul, Stalker 3 Zerg, 3 Protoss The Dig
Prophecy 2: A Sinister Turn Probe, Zealot, Immortal, Dark Templar, High Templar 3 Zerg, 3 Protoss Whispers of Doom
Prophecy 3: Echoes of the Future Observer, Colossus 4 Zerg, 2 Protoss A Sinister Turn
Prophecy 4: In Utter Darkness Phoenix, Void Ray, Carrier, Mothership 3 Zerg, 3 Protoss Echoes of the Future

Final [edit]

The Valerian missions are the final set, and can be started after completing Maw of the Void.

Caution: Once the player has finished Gates of Hell, unplayed missions on the Star Map or the Ihan Crystal will no longer be available. The Lost Viking minigame will also be unavailable. Missions which have been previously completed will still be available to replay in the archive. Mercenaries and Armory Upgrades are still available as well.

Missions Unlocks Credits Research Prerequisites
Final 1: Gates of Hell - - - Maw of the Void
Final 2a: Belly of the Beast - - - Gates of Hell
Final 2b: Shatter the Sky - - - Gates of Hell
Final 3: All-In - - - Belly of the Beast or Shatter the Sky

Heart of the Swarm [edit]

Overview [edit]

The Heart of the Swarm Campaign is played from the perspective of Sarah Kerrigan, the former Queen of Blades.

Unlockables [edit]

The availability of units and evolution paths remains the same when missions are replayed through the mission archives during the campaign. It is, however, possible to play any unlocked mission in all possible configurations via the master archives.

  • Units
Units in the campaign are unlocked by playing the mission that introduces them, as indicated in the Missions section below. Afterwards, the unit is available to be built in all following missions, making the order in which the missions are played significant.
  • Sarah Kerrigan
In the Leviathan, the abilities of Kerrigan can be altered. Some missions guarantee Kerrigan Levels; some have bonus objectives that grant up to 4 extra levels. The Mission Archives only show the bonus levels, not the levels Kerrigan is guaranteed to have earned. A total of 69 research points is available in the game, 41 guaranteed, 28 optional via bonus objectives. Each new level can grant additional life, energy, damage, and/or armor for Kerrigan. Kerrigan starts at level 1 with two tiers of abilities. When she reaches level 10, 20, 35, 50, or 60, a new tier of abilities is available. Each tier grants the player a choice of one of two abilities, or three when the Supreme mission is completed, adjustable at any time between missions. Kerrigan customization is available after 4 missions are completed.
  • Evolution Pit
The Evolution Pit lets you choose mutations and evolution paths for some types of Zerg units. New units and evolution missions are unlocked by playing missions. A Mutation is a choice out of three options, which you can alter before playing a mission, so these are not permanent. Evolution Strains are permanent path choices and cannot be altered during a playthrough. You may, however, replay any mission with the desired Mutations and Evolution Strains via the Master Archives options in the main menu. An Evolution Strain is chosen by playing a short and very easy mission that lets you use both options, so you have a better understanding of the consequences of your choice. The upgrades usually do not have to be researched during a mission; however, some choices require that you mutate a building. Evolutions are generally a more extreme upgrade than Mutations. Evolution Pit is available after Rendezvous.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Evolution Chamber and Spire. After completing 6 missions, level 2 upgrades are available, and after 12 missions, all 3 levels of upgrades are available. Evolution missions do not count.

Missions [edit]

Like in Wings of Liberty, missions are grouped following a number of different story lines. However, each story line is related to a planet, and players cannot select another planet until completing all three missions (two in Space). The first three missions are on Umoja, after which you can select from Kaldir and Char. Once the missions of one of these two planets are completed, Zerus becomes available. After completing these three planets, the choice is between Skygeir and Space. Completing both of these unlocks the Final missions.

Umoja [edit]

The Umoja missions are the first three in the game. Choices regarding Mutations Evolution Strands or Kerrigan abilities can not yet be made until after Rendezvous.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Umoja 1: Lab Rat Zergling - - -
Umoja 2: Back in the Saddle - - - Lab Rat
Umoja 3: Rendezvous Swarm Queen - - Back in the Saddle

Kaldir [edit]

The Kaldir missions can be started after completing the Umoja missions.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Kaldir 1: Harvest of Screams Roach +5 (+2) - Umoja
Kaldir 2: Shoot the Messenger Hydralisk (+3) Zergling Harvest of Screams
Kaldir 3: Enemy Within - (+1) Roach Shoot the Messenger

Char [edit]

The Char missions can be started after completing the Umoja missions.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Char 1: Domination Baneling +5 (+2) - Umoja
Char 2: Fire in the Sky - (+3) Zergling Domination
Char 3: Old Soldiers Aberration (+2) Baneling Fire in the Sky

Zerus [edit]

The Zerus missions can be started after completing the Kaldir or Char missions. After The Crucible, Kerrigan has different abilities, which are locked. After Supreme, these abilities are added as a third option to each tier, and all become available to choose from.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Zerus 1: Waking the Ancient Mutalisk (+3) - Kaldir or Char
Zerus 2: The Crucible Swarm Host +10 (+1) - Waking the Ancient
Zerus 3: Supreme - +5 (+4) Hydralisk The Crucible

Skygeirr [edit]

The Skygeirr missions can be started after completing the Kaldir, Char, and Zerus missions.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Skygeirr 1: Infested Infestor (+3) - Kaldir, Char and Zerus
Skygeirr 2: Hand of Darkness - (+2) Mutalisk Infested
Skygeirr 3: Phantoms of the Void Ultralisk +4 (+3) - Hand of Darkness

Space [edit]

The Space missions can be started after completing the Kaldir, Char, and Zerus missions.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Space 1: With Friends Like These - - - Kaldir, Char and Zerus
Space 2: Conviction - +9 (+2) Swarm Host With Friends Like These

Final [edit]

The Final missions can be started after completing the Skygeirr and Space missions.

Missions Unlocks Kerrigan Evolution Prerequisites
Final 1: Planetfall - - Ultralisk Skygeirr and Space
Final 2: Death From Above - - - Planetfall
Final 3: The Reckoning - - - Death From Above

Legacy of the Void [edit]

Overview [edit]

The Legacy of the Void Campaign is focusing on Artanis, leader of the Protoss race.

Unlockables [edit]

  • Units
Units in the campaign are unlocked by playing the mission that introduces them, as indicated in the Missions section below. Afterwards, the unit is available to be built in all following missions, making the order in which the missions are played significant.
  • Assembly Panel
In the War Council of the Spear of Adun is located the Assembly Panel. Aided by the Preserver Rohana, you can customize your army with the Protoss technology encountered during missions. There are ten warrior categories, but only two available at the start: Zealot and Stalker. For each category, you have the choice between several factions that present different abilities. The assignments are not permanent, and they can be changed between missions.
  • Solar Core
The Solar Core is the source of energy of the Spear of Adun. The Core interface is an array that displays an overview of the weapon and support systems of the ship. For each of the six systems, you have three ability choices, but only one can be configured to be active at a time. Each ability has a cost in Solarite, which can be gathered by completing side objectives in missions. The Solarite then needs to be allocated to power the weapon and support systems, or routed to the auxiliary systems (starting supply increase and construction time reduction). The Phase-smith Karax takes care of the Solar Core.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Forge and Cybernetics Core. After completing a number of missions, level 2 upgrades are available, and after some more missions, all 3 levels of upgrades are available.

Missions [edit]

Whispers of Oblivion [edit]

The Whispers of Oblivion missions are a prologue to Legacy of the Void, featuring Zeratul. Though anterior in time, these missions require more advanced skills than the first missions of the main Legacy of the Void Campaign.

  • Dark Whispers
  • Ghosts in the Fog
  • Evil Awoken

Aiur [edit]

The Aiur missions are the first three missions in the game.

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
For Aiur! - - -
The Growing Shadow - - For Aiur!
Spear of Adun Zealot, Centurion, Stalker, Dragoon - The Growing Shadow

Moebius Corps [edit]

The Moebius Corps missions can be started after completing the Aiur Missions.

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
Sky Shield - 10 (+15) Aiur
Brothers in Arms Immortal, Annihilator (+15) Sky Shield
Templar's Charge Carrier, Tempest, Mothership (after 1 more mission) 15 (+20) Purifier or Tal'darim

Shakuras [edit]

The Shakuras missions can be started after completing the Aiur Missions.

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
Amon's Reach Dark Templar, Avenger 10 (+15) Aiur
Last Stand Khaydarin Monolith (+10) Amon's Reach

Ulnar [edit]

The Ulnar missions are:

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
Temple of Unification Phoenix, Corsair (+10) Brothers in Arms, Shakuras and Forbidden Weapon
The Infinite Cycle Adept, Blood Hunter 20 (+15) Temple of Unification
Harbinger of Oblivion High Templar, Dark Archon, Vanguard (+15) The Infinite Cycle

Purifier [edit]

The Purifier missions are:

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
Forbidden Weapon Sentry, Energizer, Sentinel (+15) Brothers in Arms or Shakuras
Unsealing the Past Colossus, Reaver, Havoc, Wrathwalker (+20) Ulnar
Purification Mirage 15 (+15) Unsealing the Past

Tal'darim [edit]

The Tal'darim missions are:

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
Steps of the Rite Void Ray, Destroyer (+20) Ulnar
Rak'Shir Ascendant, Arbiter 15 (+15) Steps of the Rite

Return to Aiur [edit]

The Return to Aiur missions end the main Legacy of the Void story.

Missions New unit(s) Solarite Prerequisites
Templar's Return - - Templar's Charge, Purifier and Tal'darim
The Host - - Templar's Return
Salvation - - The Host

Into the Void [edit]

Into the Void is a 3-mission epilogue to the Legacy of the Void Campaign.

  • Into the Void
  • The Essence of Eternity
  • Amon's Fall

Mission Packs [edit]

Nova Covert Ops [edit]

This mission pack focuses on the Terran Ghost Nova. The first 3-mission pack was released on March 29, 2016. The second pack was released on August 2, 2016. The last pack was released on November 22, 2016.

Unlockables [edit]

Nova has access to special equipment to use in battle, which can be switched between mission. Covert Ops Units will have access to shared unit technology.

  • Units
Nova uses Covert Ops Units, an elite army of the Terran Dominion. The types of units, the technology, upgrades, and buildings are restricted compared to a basic Terran army. But all units are Elite (using Mercenary Customs), and a few upgrades are accessible from the start of the mission (like Combat Shields for Marines and Concussive Shells for Marauders).
  • Equipment
Reigel assists Nova in her missions by granting her equipment to use. There are four categories of equipment: helmet, suit, gadget, and weapon. Each mission grants Nova new technology, either sent by Reigel to the battlefield or stolen by Nova from the enemy. Nova can equip a total of 4 pieces of equipment, which can be switched before starting a mission.
  • Unit Technology
Reigel grants Nova technology to upgrade the units. The technology improves their normal weapons and skills. Each technology can be equipped by only one type of unit at a time.
  • In-Mission Upgrades
Regular unit upgrades to weapons and armor are available from the Engineering Bay and Armory.

Missions [edit]

Nova acquires new equipment and technology as a reward, while playing or by completing optional objectives.

Missions New unit(s) New Equipment (In-Mission) New Equipment (Reward) New Technology (Reward)
The Escape - C-20A Canister Rifle, Pulse Grenade, Ghost Visor, Tactical Stealth Suit Hellfire Shotgun, Flashbang Grenades -
Sudden Strike SCV, Marine, Reaper, Marauder Turbo Jumpsuit Rangerfinder Oculus Laser Targeting System, Internal Tech Module, Super Stimpack, Jumpjet, Spider Mine
Enemy Intelligence Hellbat, Siege Tank Monomolecular Blade Stim Infusion -
Trouble in Paradise Goliath, Banshee - Apollo Infantry Suit Regenerative Bio-Steel, Advanced Cloaking Field, Smart Servos
Night Terrors Liberator, Raven - Holo Decoy Magrail Munitions
Flashpoint - - Plasma Rifle -
In the Enemy's Shadow - Indoctrination Visor, Phase Reactor Suit, Blazefire Gunblade - Special Ordnance
Dark Skies Battlecruiser - Ionic Force Field -
End Game - - - -


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